Channeled Message: When Leaders Gaslight, THIS is What They Are
Written By Brandi Fleck
This is a channeled message from Brandi’s spiritual team about how to recognize a false prophet and their manipulation tactics plus learn what true selfishness really is.
Whenever I say something about tarot cards, divination, or psychic abilities, there’s always at least one person in my outer circle who’s worried for my salvation. And it never fails, the topic of false prophets and worshipping idols comes up. There’s a fear that surrounds the topic and I know they have good intentions, even if they’re misguided. Does this happen to you too? If so, this message is for you.
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My Experience with Channeling
I am fairly new at channeling. I haven’t don’t it very much up to this point, intentionally anyways. Although, I do know I’ve channeled in the past when I’ve written certain articles that, when I was finished, I looked back on and was like, “Wow, how did I know to write that?” For example.
When I’ve channeled messages so far, it’s typically been that I’ve been in deep contemplation and I ask a question — it could be to my spirit guides, my angels, my ancestors, the ascended masters — whoever is willing to answer. And then the information starts to flow into my mind or my knowing. I simply just become aware of the answer. Sometimes it comes in images to demonstrate a concept, but usually it’s an idea that I can put words to. I often do that by writing down what comes up as it comes up.
And at this point in my spiritual journey and strengthening my intuitive abilities, I still don’t know exactly who is who when my spiritual team is answering. I can sometimes tell the difference between angelic energy and ancestor energy, but not always. So I just want to be really upfront about that part of this.
I can absolutely discern if the energy coming through is benevolent, kind, and loving, and I do only accept information from that type of energy at this point in time.
Getting to know who my spirit guides are is a process I’m currently working on, so if you want to know how that goes, be sure to subscribe so we can learn together!
Now, the way I channeled this message about false prophets was exactly how I described it above, but I was intentional about directing the question to my spiritual team. I simply said in my mind, “What is a false prophet?” I asked this question because I do not believe psychics are the false prophets that Christianity refers to.
The information immediately starting flowing into my consciousness and so I started writing it down. I did break in and out of flow a little bit during the time my spirit guides were answering. And so as I read you the message I wrote, I’ll mention when I was co-creating with them versus when I was straight up channeling. And, basically, as I was channeling, I would at times get intellectual about the information I was given and start to apply logic to it, and that’s where I started co-creating with them and analyzing what they were saying. But there were times in the message where I tried to do that and they simply took over anyways. It was a really interesting interaction. And as the information would come through, I became curious and asked other questions that kept the interaction going. You’ll hear those as I read through it all.
So, without further adieu, here’s the message.
What is a False Prophet
A false prophet is someone who uses what they call the truth to stay in power over you. A false prophet is someone (and people) who is/are disconnected from source and are living in distortions, fog, and lack clarity that source (God, Creator) brings. They seek to separate you from source as well because they need you to believe that you need them or their agenda in order to be safe. You can see examples of this in the history of the church and how religion has evolved. This diminishes your power as they drain you of it for their own usage. Because you have the right and capacity to have a direct relationship with source in love and not fear, when you nurture that connection, your power grows. You tap into the real truth with clarity that only the light of God can provide. And once you’ve done that, the false prophet can no longer control you, which is his greatest fear. But it’s not done in love, and therefore is not the way.
When you speak your truth and the truth that comes from your direct connection with God, the false prophet will call you a false prophet. They will insist it’s witchcraft or evil. This is gaslighting and manipulation. Call it out. Stand firm. Keep your faith. True evil will not prevail, for it cannot when light guides the way. That’s why certain institutions and systems or parts of them, like the church, are starting to fall away. When you speak the real truth, you shine light. When someone speaks in fog and distortion, they spread darkness and call it the light. That is the difference. Shine bright.
Spreading Darkness Versus Shining Light
Then I asked my spirit guides: “What’s the difference between spreading darkness and shining light?”
They answered:
When you spread light, it can look like picking up a heavy rock that’s been there for a while. When you do, there’s no grass underneath it from where no light has reached. And as you lift the rock, the light starts to show you the dirt, (they basically took over here and I was describing a vision and then the words weren’t my creation after) The exposed worms and bugs start to scatter because you’ve disturbed their home. They can’t handle the sudden light shining down on them. You see them for what they are and how they’ve been living. (This is, of course, a metaphor.) They can’t stay in the light for darkness is where they must live according to nature. So they go find another rock and a lot of darkness. You must lift that rock too and keep lifting rocks until they’re all overturned. That is what it means to shine your light. Practically, in real life, you do this by being your full self. You express yourself unapologetically and you accept yourself for who you are. You use and share your gifts with others, whether that’s art, logic, building, fixing - your talents are your gifts. What excites you and brings you joy are gifts.
When a false prophet spreads darkness, it’s like the worm or roly poly saw a beautiful butterfly and thought, I want that for myself. How can I get that for myself? That becomes the agenda without regard for the butterfly. The false prophet then sets out to convince the butterfly it needs to live under the rock to avoid the pitfalls of the rain or elements. The butterfly knows deep within itself that it was created to live the way it naturally does, but the fear convinces the butterfly that it should listen to the false prophet, the worm. So the butterfly goes to the ground. It digs in hardship to get under the rock with the worm. It vanquishes. But the worm got to be close to the butterflies beauty for a minute. And now it wants more, so it sets out in the same pattern it used to wear down and convince the first butterfly, and the cycle commences. Butterflies tell other butterflies of the great worm who is trying to save them and has the answer.
It’s not until a butterfly who stands up to the fear and says, this isn’t right. We’re meant to live in the light. And then she decides to honor her nature and fly in the sun and rest when it rains, even though the others are screaming at her to come with them. She’s not listening! But to honor her nature feels easy, even if there is hardship. And she loves her nature. And when the others see that she’s making it and thriving while they’re killing themselves prematurely in hardship, they begin to slowly stop listening to the worm. And one by one, they return to their true nature, the light. And the cycle is broken.
Selfishness Versus Selflessness
My thoughts: the worm isn’t inherently bad. It’s the worm’s actions toward the butterfly that are bad. There is a “selfishness” at the root of the worm’s actions - emotional abuse tactics like coercion thru fear and gaslighting to invalidate the butterflies truth and reality. The force of evil is working through the worms actions. It isn’t who he is at his root.
From a spiritual perspective, I’ve learned there isn’t bad and good. These are human judgements to describe things or experiences we wish to avoid versus things or experiences we wish to have. They’re helpful words to use in the context of this conversation though so we can discern the difference between light and dark. Good and evil. How to follow the light versus stay shrouded in darkness.
My clients often struggle with feeling like they’re being selfish when they stand up for themselves, or live life in a way that brings them joy while it brings “pain” to others. They ask where is the line between selfishness and selflessness.
So based on the information that just came through about false prophets, I think that we can identify this line and give ourselves some grace.
If you’re worried about being selfish, odds are you’re not. If the “pain” caused in others is because they can’t get you to (they took over again right here) believe like them or act how they want you to act, or be how they want you to be, when what they want goes against your true nature, then they are the selfish ones who’ve made you believe you’re the selfish one for not conforming, not listening, and not compromising your glorious, beautiful, source given nature (which may be different from their’s by design). And it’s very clear that our nature is to be connected to God. We are of God. We don’t need a mediator. We don’t need someone else to tell us what our nature is.
If you feel out of control in your life it may be because someone else is controlling you. This is control. Selfishness is control.
(This is me co-creating with them) And let’s be clear here… perhaps the person trying to control you isn’t a bad person. This can be true. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t been controlled and that they haven’t bought into the idea that they need to live under the rock with the worms. Maybe they’re a butterfly choosing to live with the worms and they believe that trying to control you like the worm has done to them is what’s best for you. So their intentions are in the right place, but they’ve got it all wrong because if they only knew (they mostly took over here) that the method of how they choose to express those intentions was harming you more than helping, they’d stop. If they only knew that the methods of how they choose to express those intentions were harming themselves more than helping, they’d stop.
(This is them, fully channeled) But the worm knows the consequences of what he does and doesn’t stop. That’s the difference between evil and good.
True selfishness is requiring someone or something to go against its nature.
True selfishness is evil.
For the worm to choose selflessness, he would need to choose to acknowledge that he wants to be close to the butterfly and that he may never be able to share the nature of the butterfly. And he would need to be okay with that. That is what letting go is. Acknowledgement and acceptance. Letting go is selflessness. And at that moment, because the butterfly is who she is, she may land by the rock and talk to him, befriend him, and he gets to be close to the butterfly and they both get to live in their own realities in their own natures, uncompromised.
Taking care of yourself, loving yourself, prioritizing your own wellbeing is not selfishness it’s self love. And true self love is to love and connect with God, which means to love and connect with your true nature that he so lovingly designed. Self love and self care are not selfish unless they seek to change the nature of someone else disguised as selflessness.
Letting go is true Selflessness - not in the literal sense. To be selfless in the way you use the word is to not be without self. In fact, in true selflessness, you are the most fully expanded within yourself. When you let go, all you truly have is yourself. And when yourself has been diminished through controlling power of others, we can see why that would be scary to let go, because then what would you have? The answer is still yourself.
You see, the way the usage of the words, selfishness and selflessness, have evolved reflects the distortions that have plagued this planet.
It is important to remember that each one of us has the capacity to be the worm or the butterfly and to make any of the various choices available to each. That is a topic or two for another day.(duality and free will). For now, simply remember that the capacity to be each is within us all and that you get to choose which you are in any given moment. Pondering this will also build your capacity for compassion to self and others.
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Hi, I’m the founder of Human Amplified. I’m Brandi Fleck, a recognized communications and interviewing expert, a writer, an artist, and a private practice, certified trauma-informed life coach and trauma recovery coach. No matter how you interact with me, I help you tell and change your story so you can feel more like yourself. So welcome!
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