EPISODE 115 | We NEED Contrast to Encourage Growth and Evolution with Nashville Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master, Hannah Bethel
Watch Hannah Bethel's interview on Human Amplified with Brandi Fleck.
Listen to Hannah Bethel's Interview
Get to Know Hannah Bethel and Hifi Healing
Hifi Healing officially started in 2019, but is born of a lifetime of seeking, healing, trial and error, exploration of consciousness, and a deep desire to better understand our purpose on Earth.
For as long as I can remember, I have been asking questions. Who am I? Why am I here? How did I get here? Where is here? Why does my heart burn so fiercely for certain things or certain people? What is love? What lies beyond the stars?
What is true happiness? What is true peace?
What happens when I die?
In my early twenties I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which only added to my questions, but also brought with it, answers. I learned how to heal my body through food medicine and to trust the quiet voice of my intuition. I was told I would have Lyme for the rest of my life, but after 2.5 years of following a rigid holistic program, I successfully detoxed it out of my body.
I have been Lyme free for over 7 years now. This experience was the catalyst in my awakening.
I've spent most of my adult life touring across America as a singer/songwriter. I have met and learned from so many adventurers and dreamers, artists, psychics, shamans, fishermen and farmers - others who are seeking and living life head-first, just like me. The harder I searched the outside world for answers, the more insistently I was redirected to look within myself, to learn to trust myself, and to trust my body's recognition of what is for me, and what is not for me. My journey lead me first to Reiki and then to the extraordinary adventure that is Hypnotherapy.
Each one of us has a path that is unique and exquisite, with unlimited opportunities for growth and transformation. There are no wrong turns and it is never too late to change course. Everything that you seek is within you. If you have questions, you have answers. I'm here to help you find them. It brings me so much joy to guide my clients through great transformation and deep healing.
It would be an honor to be a part of your healing journey.
Intro - Episode 115
I love Hannah Bethel, today’s guest. She’s a singer-songwriter based in Nashville, TN, but she’s also a board certified hypnotherapist with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, a Usui Tibetan Reiki Master, and Member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals. She’s a healer and owner of Hifi Healing, and y’all, she’s returning to the show in this episode to talk about BIG spiritual practices.
If you haven’t heard her first interview on the show, check out episode 93 where we talk about her journey with Lyme disease and how that impacted her music career.
But today, we traverse the topics of consciousness, accessing the subconscious, duality of the Universe, channeling, creativity, trance, the importance of embodiment to truly know something, reincarnation, transcendence and more.
We start out by talking about when’s the right time for someone to try hypnotherapy as part of their healing journey, what it means to process experiences, and the difference between pain and suffering. While we’re at it, what is the purpose of suffering anyways? Hannah pontificates on this and how it’s linked to the nature of the Universe. We then dive into different types of spiritual guidance and how spiritual teams tend to show up for clients in sessions with Hannah; what the common thread is between healing, spirituality, and even songwriting; and the importance of evolving in this life, and how past life regression can help with that.
Hannah tells us about her process, what past life regression is, and the importance of using past life regression responsibly to show up as our best selves in our present life, in our present families and communities.
She then gives us a really cool story about a memorable client past life regression and also one that she had herself.
We wrap up with the topic of when Christians come in for past life regressions and how they deal with any cognitive dissonance or fear that may arise around this type of therapeutic yet mystical work.
Now, this is a really cool conversation, and you’re in for a treat.
After we talked, we decided to that Hannah would do a past life regression for me — I’d never had one before — and we recorded the entire thing. From her intake process to the entire 2 and a half hours of me being under.
She took me through some current life regression, then we dipped into a past life, and then we finished by talking with my spirit guides.
We’ll be bringing you a video of that from my perspective on Human Amplified’s YouTube channel next week. We also have a version of it from Hannah’s perspective in the works as well that is TBD. The video from my perspective that’s coming out next week won’t be on the audio version of this podcast. It will only be on the Human Amplified YouTube channel. So, if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it.
And without further ado, let’s talk to Hannah.
Read the Interview Transcript - Episode 115
Coming soon, hang tight!
Links and Resources - Episode 115
Sponsors and Affiliates - Episode 115
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CREDITS: Original intro and outro music by Ryan Sauls. Episode creation, editing, production, and graphics by Brandi Fleck. Sound effects from zapslat.com. Bio and photos provided by Hannah Bethel.
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Hi, I’m your podcast host, Brandi Fleck. I’m a recognized communications and interviewing expert, a writer, an artist, and a private practice, certified trauma-informed life coach and trauma recovery coach. No matter how you interact with me, I help you tell and change your story so you can feel more like yourself. So welcome!
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