Q&A with Brandi: What Did I See in the Haunted Woods and Why Me?

Written By Brandi Fleck

This is a Q&A post. Brandi answers a question about paranormal activity sent via email by a Human Amplified reader.


Believe it or not, I get a lot of emails and comments over at humanamplified.com about paranormal experiences, what they are, what they mean, and what to do about them. They primarily come in from the most popular post on this website about the difference between spirits and ghosts, plus much more.

I absolutely love that I get these types of questions. And so I want to share one with you today that was really cool to respond to. 

Table of Contents:

  • Understanding Why I Had This Spiritual Experience

  • Angel or Alien?

  • Final Thoughts

Watch this post on YouTube. Or, scroll down if you'd rather read it.


High on the Spiritual Realm? I Just Need Help Understanding Why.

I don’t have permission to give the name of the person who inquired, so I won’t identify anyone. Anyways, here’s what they asked: 

“Hi Brandi,

To start, I have read your thoughts on the spiritual world in the forms of energy and in 15 years of seeking answers, your take is the most logically sound that I have been able to come to terms with. I am hoping for insight on an experience I had with a friend (me non-religious but open minded, him the son of a preacher) 15 years ago.

In the middle of the woods on what was believed to be a “haunted” side road, the most purest, warm, loving feeling and non-blinding light appeared nearly 20 feet in front of us. Spanning maybe 6-8ft tall and 6-8ft wide, 1 foot off the ground, a perfect circle. We could not think or talk, only walk to it in absolute awe and curiosity and just as fast as it appeared, it vanished in realistically 3-5 seconds. To this day, I long for answers as to what, why and why us. The scientifical thought process in me says that whatever generated that kind of energy to produce non-blinding light of that magnitude is well for 1. Not possible and 2. Obviously tells me if has to be spiritual but with that kind of controlled power, much much high on the spiritual realm? Of things...God/Jesus or an Angel?

I just need help understanding why.

Thank you,


Wow… this is so cool. And let me just say, I’m really honored that people come to me with information and questions like this. 

Is It an Angel or Alien?

Here’s my answer:

“Hi Anonymous, 

Thanks for reaching out! Your story is so interesting. I'm glad you resonated with the info I have out on spirituality and energy. I'd be happy to give you my take on what you experienced. Let me start by saying that I'm not acting in any professional capacity -- just providing thoughts, person to person. 

My first instinct is to ask you what your thoughts are on why you experienced this light being? I bet you have some kind of idea deep down and I think you can trust yourself. I'd be interested to know if you care to share :). 

Based on an experience I had as a child with being saved from a fall and questioning why, I might answer the why with: It was part of your soul contract to have that experience so that you could learn from it and awaken to the possibilities out there.

Are you familiar with the theory of soul contracts?

In terms of what -- it could've been an angel. I hear that they appear to people in forms you're able to digest, including as orbs, if at all. But I don't think it was an angel. Based on your description, it reminds me of a higher dimensional being that could be extraterrestrial. I've not experienced extraterrestrials (that I know of), but from hearing stories from many people who have and do, there are some ETs who have light bodies instead of physical bodies. And I've heard that their presence is very loving. There are others who have physical bodies but also vibrate at such a high frequency, it seems heavenly and spiritual to us. 

Does any of this resonate? 

Have a great weekend!


Final Thoughts

Now, after I sent this response, I still thought even more about this experience. I’ve since learned that there are people out there who think that angels actually are forms of extraterrestrial energy. So, what do you think? Was this an angel? Was this an ET? Was it something else? 

Let’s hear your answers in the comments and if I get particularly good ones, I’ll pin them so we can all learn from them. I can’t wait to hear what you come up with.

Also, if you have a question of your own that you’d like answered, feel free to ask. Go to humanamplified.com/contact and submit yours. You can also ask in the comments below. There’s no guarantee I’ll get to it, depending on how many they are, but if I can get to it, I’d love to feature your question on my blog and on my YouTube channel.


Join the conversation!

Feel free to share your own experience and let me know if you have any questions in the comments.


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Hi, I’m the founder of Human Amplified. I’m Brandi Fleck, a recognized communications and interviewing expert, a writer, an artist, and a private practice, certified trauma-informed life coach and trauma recovery coach. No matter how you interact with me, I help you tell and change your story so you can feel more like yourself. So welcome!

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