EPISODE 052: Exploring Faith Part 2 - Let's Be Fair, Suffering Is Normal



Last week, we heard part 1 of a 2-part series, where our guest, Hutch, really gave us a scholarly foundation for understanding faith. If you missed it, go back and listen when you get a chance, as there is historical and theological context around some of the concepts we discuss in part 2.

So, this week, in part 2, we discuss the biblical support for faith and how that plays into the definition of faith, why people rely on faith during hard times, whether the Puritans were really sexually repressed, loving your neighbor, and then we get personal. 

Hutch opens up about being human himself - suffering from bipolar disorder, when he’s had faith and when he hasn’t had faith, and how infertility impacts himself and his marriage. He even briefly touches on suicide, adoption, and rage. But Hutch also opens up about a time in his life when he only had faith to rely on.

From this episode, you’ll learn how to have faith, that suffering is a normal part of the human condition, it’s okay to be human, you’ll learn about the relationship between faith and action. You’ll also get motivation to keep trying in life even when faith is in short supply. 

About Hutch

Our guest, Mike Hutchinson, affectionately known as Hutch, is a student of Christian reformed theology and host of the True Presbyterian podcast. He lives in Chattanooga, Tenn. with his wife by way of South Carolina. He’s been through seminary and is studying to become ordained later this year. You can contact Hutch at TheTruePresby [at] gmail [dot] com. 


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