EPISODE 048 | Narrowly Escaping Distracted Driving



Greg Tilton narrowly escaped distracted driving. By that, I mean that he was in a car accident that the healthcare workers thought should have killed him. He walked away with an injured arm, the need for physical therapy, and a lot to think about. 

He opens up about an idyllic childhood and having a great life. He was living his life when tragedy struck, and luckily walked away mostly unscathed. So what happens when you experience such an accident? Does it change your life? Does it make you closer to God? Greg genuinely tells us about being in shock, how it impacted him over time, and how he’s moved on - sort of nonchalantly and happy go lucky, completely aligned with Greg’s excellent personality.

From this episode, you’ll get insight into how time helps us overcome fears produced by trauma, that miracles do exist, that it’s okay to be happy even if you’ve been through some crazy events, and last but not least, you’ll learn about the importance of putting your phone down while you’re driving.

About Greg

Greg Tilton of New Oreleans, LA is a husband, new dad, and a podcaster and cinematographer.  


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