Indie Podcast Roundup: Reflections of Human Nature


This Indie Podcast Roundup focuses on reflections of humanity at it’s most basic, raw, and gritty - great listening for the summer ahead.


Seeking answers from other humans to learn about the human condition brings a multitude of perspectives that we’ve only scratched the surface of here at Human Amplified. Knowledge certainly is power. Keeping an open mind helps us gain knowledge.

So, once a quarter starting in summer 2020, Human Amplified is dedicated to introducing you to other indie podcasts that are similar to the content we’re delivering to you. Perhaps these podcasts have overlap with our show, or perhaps they contain an extension of information that we haven’t covered so far. Either way, we think you’ll find gems of information, whether in one episode or many, in the list of amazing podcasts below…

…especially if you’re burning through episodes during commutes or workouts and want more!

I hand-selected these after listening and learning more about the creator’s story. I know that the time and effort these creators put into their shows is full of passion and love, which furthers Human Amplified’s goal of spreading love, connection, inspiration, and empowerment leading to transformation from the inside out. That means every podcast in this list is not a paid promotion, but a carefully considered choice based on what you, dear reader and listener, are seeking.

For the first podcast roundup Human Amplified has done, let’s focus on podcasts further reflecting themes from season 2 of the the Human Amplified podcast (formerly the On Being Human podcast):

  • Creativity as an outlet

  • What is human nature

  • Living our lives in joy

  • Caring for our mental health

  • What it means to have faith

  • Healing so we can follow a positive life path

The list is in no particular order, because who could choose they are so good! The list contains a mix of science, life stories, and spirituality to explore this summer. I also recommend one episode per podcast, but seriously, explore because it was so hard to choose.

Here’s the list:

The Raw and Wild Hearts

Lori Reising of Portland, Ore. is a BA, CHT, LMT, trauma-informed bodyworker, pelvic floor therapist, childbirth educator, writer, traveler, and Human Amplified podcast guest in Episode 053: We are Nature and Nurture - The Complexity of Abandonment. Her podcast and blog focus on embracing the dark in life to find the light that is waiting for all of us. Lori has been through an immense amount of pain and suffering, through which she’s able to expertly guide others through child birth and finding their purpose through empathy and experience - two of my favorite words.

I like her philosophy of laughter is medicine, her belief that we as humans have an innate ability to heal, and her focus on epigenetics and child birth as a foundation for better-adjusted people in society.

While this episode is a topic that seems unlike most others on Lori’s show (even though all the topics are connected), my personal favorite episode of Lori’s is Episode 18: A Critical Conversation about Racial Profiling and Police Reform. In this episode, a Black man describing a lifetime of racial profiling and a former Los Angeles police captain who fought for reform within the department have a discussion with Lori.

Wow. This is a chance to to really listen and learn.

Tap the image below to go to the Raw and Wild Hearts website.


For Keeps

I virtually met David Peterkofsky of Okland, Ca. and host of the For Keeps podcast when he put out a request for voiceover help in a podcast group we’re both part of. This was the first I’d heard of his podcast, but after browsing around on his site, I was hooked. And, I helped him with a voiceover.

The show is all about collections that humans have put together or have - talk about human nature and human experience. My personal favorite episode is 54. The Messages of the Kindred Spirit Mailbox, with Annie Breth. In North Carolina, there's a collection of anonymous letters that people travel to put in what's called the Kindred Spirit mailbox to release their thoughts into the universe.

David has an impressive professional journalism background that is evident in his interview style and production quality. Since I have a journalism background myself, maybe this makes me biased, but David’s skills are professional and top notch.

Tap the image below to go to the For Keeps website.


The Broken Brain

Dwight Hurst, CMHC, SSW, has not only been making learning about mental health fun and interesting through The Broken Brain podcast since 2014, but he’s the owner and director of Innovate Mental Health Solutions in Layton, Utah. Dwight’s on air personality is magnetic and he approaches each interview as a learning opportunity with humor even after more than 20 years of experience in mental health. How refreshing!

The Broken Brain podcast is full of episodes exploring topics including but not limited to addiction, sobriety, trust, treatment for abuse recovery, gender roles, racism and privilege, PTSD, rituals, why we love conspiracies, trauma narratives, bipolar disorder, electro convulsive therapy, children and conflict, self care, and so much more. So, many of the same types of personal stories we discuss at Human Amplified are looked at through a psychotherapist’s lens.

My personal favorite episode is Secondhand Drinking with Lisa Fredricksen.

Tap the image below to go to The Broken Brain Podcast website.


The True Presbyterian

Mike Hutchinson, known as Hutch, of Chattanooga, Tenn. was a Human Amplified guest in a two-part series on faith during our three-week focus on faith in season 2. His episodes were:

While I know listeners of Human Amplified come from varying religious and spiritual backgrounds (which I love, by the way), I put this podcast in here for everyone because Hutch knows his stuff, and if you have questions about how faith can play into your life, he has answers. Hutch is not only highly educated and strong in his own personal faith, but he isn’t afraid to be human despite his religious background. Hutch’s adoption story, bipolar disorder, career journey, and life with his wife have all influenced how he interacts with faith, the world, and his calling to become a pastor.

My recommended episode is this Midnight Ramble where Hutch opens up about the impact of infertility in his life. If you listened to episode 52 of Human Amplified, you heard Hutch discuss he and his wife wanting children but that option being biologically impossible. In his episode, he embraces vulnerability and expands even more.

It isn’t often we get to hear a man’s perspective on infertility. And for those of us who don’t know this in our core because of past experience, men often want families too.

UPDATE MAY 2024: This podcast is no longer available, so I’ve removed links to it.

True Presbyterian Logo.jpg

Hey Human

This is another podcast about human nature based in Nashville, Tenn. While I haven’t personally met Susan Ruth, I love her laid back interview style and casual conversation techniques when getting to know guests from all walks of life. We definitely have some overlapping topics, such as polyamory. We also have a few overlapping guests, such as Suzie Kerr Wright, Nashville Astrologer and Medium, but we approach the interviews differently and extract different types of information that is all interesting and connected! For example, Susan asked Suzie to do a reading on Hey Human, which was insightful.

Not only does Susan’s casual style and creative episode titling entertain, but if you check out her website, you’ll see she’s a creative musician, singer-songwriter, and visual artist at heart too, which is dear to my heart.

My personal favorite episode of Susan’s is Winter Breedlove: Wig Askew Foreskin Veil.

I attended college with Winter and have been trying to get her to come on the Human Amplified podcast for ages. That’s how it goes with interesting people sometimes, but now I’m satisfied. Susan, thank you for getting Winter to speak her voice aloud in vulnerability. You rock and Winter is amazing!

(UPDATE: Winter came on Human Amplified too! Check her out in episode 078: On Gender and Transition - How Much is Enough?

Tap the image below to go to the Hey Human website.


Valerie’s Variety Podcast

Valerie Moss of Calgary, Alberta Canada was a Human Amplified guest in episode 044: What It Feels Like to Save a Life. Her variety show covers topics surrounding eating, reading, and creating. As an Audible book narrator, daughter of a single dad and chef, and mother and wife herself who quilts and has many passions, Valerie brings you glimpses into her personal life while also delivering helpful tips on DIY projects.

My personal favorite episode of Valerie’s is Episode 51: I’m a Daughter without a Mother, where she opens up about what it was like growing up without a mom and how the relationship has played out in her life to this point. I can relate to Valerie having grown up not knowing my father until I was 18, but now having a relationship with him as an adult.

Valerie is so genuine, empathetic, sensitive, and grounded. I love how she is not afraid to let her emotions flow. And her transparency about mental illness and health makes me feel closer to her, even if only listening to her show. We need more of that in this world.

Click the image below to go to the Valerie Moss website.


Comment below to let us know what you think of these great indie shows!

And, of course, subscribe to the Human Amplified podcast today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or another one of your favorite podcast platforms.



credit: Title Photo by Luke van Zyl on Unsplash. Graphic overlay by Brandi. Indie podcast cover art used with permission.


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