EPISODE 030: I'm a Fan of Millennials and You Should Be Too - Preparing for Generational Change That's in Motion


Last week, we talked to Marcus Barker, a Xennial who opened up about what its like to be a minority in the workplace and growing up.  

This week, we’re hearing from Les Adkins, CEO and cofounder of Orange Wave Group - a company, started in 2008, that helps organizations take a whole brain approach to changing the way they think about and speak to potential clients to grow business. They help organizations with millennial integration to retain, motivate, and recruit the most technologically advanced workforce in modern history.

Les lives in Atlanta, Georgia and travels the country speaking to large groups about millennials. He has entrepreneurial roots in the early days of social media and now specializes in consulting, running his business, and developing new and innovative products, which you’ll hear about in this episode.

He says, “Millennial bring something we’ve never seen…they want to be part of something bigger than themselves…something that counts for society as a whole.” 

We touch on topics of individualism but also coming together as a collective to advance society through an ideal capitalism that’s fueled by impact and heart-based pursuits rather than pursuits ruled by making money, even though money is still important. Les tells us about his expert observations on the changes occurring in society due to the values and power of the largest generation in the workforce currently - millennials.

Les also opens up about his meandering career, how he ended up where he is today, and the importance of his support system - specifically his parents and wife - in how he was able to become the person he’s meant to be - a person who “always has the crazy idea.” And that’s why he relates to the Millennial generation. 

Les is not a millennial, but he loves the generation and building a thriving business to help integrate that talent pool into corporations was a natural fit for him. 

So listen below for such an interesting, positive conversation.



EPISODE 031: The Meaning of Mothering - Lessons from the Foster Care System


EPISODE 029: Experiences with Racism and Rebuilding Self Confidence